January 2025 SU Events

Click the links for more information/tickets or email studentsunion@universityofgalway.ie

Tuesday 7th January

11am-3pm SU Office Open

Wednesday 8th January

11am-3pm SU Office Open

4pm-6pm International Orientation Board Games in the Hub.

Thursday 9th January

11am-3pm SU Office Open

6pm-8pm International Orientation Speed Friending at Sult.

Arriba Night at Sult

Friday 10th January

11am-3pm SU Office Open

Saturday 11th January

9.30am University of Galway Parkrun

Monday 13th January

Teaching Starts

9am-6pm Mon-Fri SU Free Cloakroom open

9am-5pm Mon-Fri SU Síbín open

10am-5pm SU Office Open Mon-Fri upstairs in Áras na Mac Léinn

12pm Take Me Out Nominations Close

2pm + 3.30pm Spéir Students’ Union Pantry Open (register for your slot HERE by 6pm Sunday)

4pm-7pm Shuffle presents Paul Belton at Sult

Tuesday 14th January

4pm-7pm DJ Rookie at Sult

Wednesday 15th January

7.45am SU Online Pilates Course Starts

12pm-4pm Societies Day in Áras na Mac Léinn – meet your SU Officers and CÉIM!

4pm-7pm Candyshop presents Paul Belton at Sult

6pm-7pm Climate Crew Meeting in the Large Acoustic Room Áras na Mac Léinn. More info from su.environment@universityofgalway.ie  

Thursday 16th January

SU Weekly email returns!

7pm Tennis Club Table Quiz in Corrib Room at Sult

Friday 17th January

2pm + 3.30pm Spéir Students’ Union Pantry Open (register for your slot HERE by 4pm Thursday)

7pm Staff Takeover at Sult

Saturday 18th January

9.30amUniversity of Galway Parkrun

Monday 20th January

CÉIM Sessions Start

9am-6pm Mon-Fri SU Free Cloakroom 

9am-5pm Mon-Fri SU Síbín open

10am-5pm SU Office Open Mon-Fri upstairs in Áras na Mac Léinn

2pm + 3.30pm Spéir Students’ Union Pantry Open (register for your slot HERE by 6pm Sunday)

4pm-7pm Shuffle presents Paul Belton at Sult

6.30pm-8.30pm Fashion Soc Sip & Stitch in the Corrib Room at Sult

5pm RAG Rose Nominations Close

Tuesday 21st January

5pm Deadline to register for Gaeilge Courses

6pm School of Medicine Table Quiz in Corrib Room at Sult

6.30pm Jigsaw 5 A Day for Mental Health Free Online Training

7pm-8pm College of Business, Public Policy & Law Class Rep Meeting in AC201

Wednesday 22nd January

12pm-4pm Clubs Day in the Sports Centre – meet your SU Officers!

4pm-7pm Candyshop presents Paul Belton at Sult

5pm-6pm Financial Resilience Free Online Training

6pm-7pm College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences Class Rep Meeting on Zoom

6pm-7pm College of Science & Engineering Class Rep Meeting in AC201

6.30pm-8pm Women in Law Sip and Paint at Sult

7pm-8pm College of Arts, Social Science and Celtic Studies Class Rep Meeting in AC201

Thursday 23rd January

Provisional Semester 1 Exam Results released on Canvas for most courses

1pm-3pm Free Rapid HIV & Syphilis Testing with Sexual Health West in The Space upstairs in Áras na Mac Léinn. No appointment needed.

5pm-7pm Throwback Thursday DJ Michael Burnell at Sult

6pm-7pm Postgraduate Class Rep Council Meeting in AC201

Friday 24th January

10am S*x Toy Bingo Tickets on Sale HERE.

2pm + 3.30pm Spéir Students’ Union Pantry Open (register for your slot HERE by 4pm Thursday)

8.30pm-Close Arriba at Sult

Saturday 25th January

9.30am University of Galway Parkrun

Monday 27th January

9am-6pm Mon-Fri SU Free Cloakroom open

9am-5pm Mon-Fri SU Síbín open

10am-5pm SU Office Open Mon-Fri upstairs in Áras na Mac Léinn

2pm + 3.30pm Spéir Students’ Union Pantry Open (register for your slot HERE by 6pm Sunday)

4pm-7pm Shuffle presents Paul Belton at Sult

5pm Deadline to drop off clothes for Wasted Week Swap Shop at SU

6pm-8pm Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn 4 meeting in O’Flaherty Theatre.

7pm Wasted Week Paper Free Quiz in the Corrib Room at Sult

9pm-11pm Open Mic in Corrib Room at Sult  

Tuesday 28th January

Sign Language and Gaeilge Courses Start

2pm Climate Café for Wasted Week. Check enviromentsocietyug for more details

4pm-7pm DJ Rookie at Sult

Leaf Printing Workshop for Wasted Week; Check botanysociety_uniofgalway for more details

5pm Fast Fashion Workshop for Wasted Week in The Art Room, Áras na Mac Léinn

7pm Sailing Club Table Quiz in Corrib Room at Sult

8pm-9.30pm Self Defence Course

6pm-8pm SU Election Information Evening in AC202. Register to attend HERE.

Wednesday 29th January

12pm-3pm Swap Shop for Wasted Week in The Cube downstairs in Áras na Mac Léinn

6pm-7pm Beginners BodhránCourse Starts

7pm-8pm Beginner Tin Whistle Course Starts

8pm Take Me Out at Sult. Tickets on sale HERE.

Thursday 30th January

11am-3pm Refreshers’ Fair in Áras na Mac Léinn

1pm ECO UNESCO in the Large Acoustic Room, Áras Na Mac Léinn for Wasted Week

5pm-7pm Live Music from Richie Prendergast at Sult

5pm Nominations close for SU Societies Chair HERE.

Eco Horror Night for Wasted Week; Check horrorsoc_universityofgalway for more details

Friday 31st January

10am-5pm Hygiene Hub Donation Drive at SU Office

2pm + 3.30pm Spéir Students’ Union Pantry Open (register for your slotHEREby 4pm Thursday)

5pm Deadline to donate books for RAG Week Fundraiser with Writers Soc

Deadline for semester 2 Fees Payment

7pm Staff Takeover at Sult