Elections | Toghcháin
SU Officer Elections 2025
Nominations Open:
To be nominated for a position on the Students’ Union Executive Committee, you need to complete a nomination form and submit it before 5:00pm on Wednesday 5 March 2025.
Nomination forms are available from the Students’ Union Office, or at the links below:
Part-Time Positions
Clubs Captain
Convenor of the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies
Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy and Law
Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Convenor of the College of Science and Engineering
Disability Rights Officer
Environmental and Sustainability Officer
Ethnic Minorities Officer
International Students Officer
LGBT+ and Gender Rights Officer
Mature Students Officer
Postgraduate Research Officer
Postgraduate Taught Officer
Societies Chairperson
All members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by and from the full members of the Union in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Students' Union Constitution.
The procedure for all other elections shall be determined by the Elections Committee. Every year as a member of the Students Union you choose who you want to run your Union by electing the Executive Committee for the following year.
The term of office for the elected Officers of the Union runs from the 1st of July until the 30th of June.
Voting gives you a direct say in how your Union is run, how your issues are dealt with and how your money gets spent. It’s important to pick the people you want as it’s the Union who will be representing your views to the Universtiy and on a local,regional and national level. Your vote is your voice so speak up!
The full-time officers – the President, the Vice-President/Education Officer, the Vice-President/Welfare and Equality Officer and the Vice-President/Irish Language – will all be elected on Thursday 13th of March 2025. Nominations for these positions will open on Wednesday 26th February 2025.
The part-time officer positions of – Societies’ Chairperson, Postgraduate Research Officer, Postgraduate Taught Officer, Clubs’ Captain, 4 College Convenors, Mature Students’ Officer, International Students Officer, Gender and LGBT+ Rights Officer, Disability Rights Officer, Ethnic Minorities Officer, Environmental and Sustainability Officer – will all be elected on Thursday 13th March 2025. Nominations for these positions are open 10am Wednesday 26th February 2025.
Voting will take place online on the YourSpace platform Thursday 13th March 2025.
For the elections of Clubs’ Captain and Societies’ Chairperson on polling day it is strictly one vote per club for Clubs’ Captain and one vote per society for Societies’ Chairperson. Only Club Captains and Society Auditors may vote
To be eligible to run in this election, candidates must be members of University of Galway Students’ Union. All registered students of University of Galway, on payment of the student levy are members of the Students’ Union.
Nomination forms are available from the Students’ Union Office, or at the links above.
Late nominations will not be accepted under any circumstance.
The Elections Committee comprises of the President, the Vice-Presidents and the Returning Officer appointed under Schedule I. The duties of this committee are to oversee the running of all Union elections and to decide on any matters relating to such which are not specifically covered in this constitution and its schedules. If a member of the committee is running for re-election, they must resign their position on the Elections Committee. The Executive Committee shall nominate one of their number as a replacement. The Elections Committee must also provide a list of rules and regulations for candidates before campaigning begins.
Election regulations are outlined in the Students’ Union Constitution, Schedule 1
If you have any queries about the regulations or running of the elections, please email suelections@universityofgalway.ie