
NUIG SU SHAG Week 2016

NUI Galway Students’ Union SHAG Week 2016 An tSeachtain um Fheasacht agus Threoir ar an tSláinte…

2015/16 Projects

Shakespeare in Galway 2016 (SIG2016)

  This project will mark the quartercentennary of Shakespeare’s death in 2016 within NUI Galway and Galway City.


22 Innovative New Projects funded by EXPLORE

22 Innovative new projects funded by EXPLORE The EXPLORE innovation…


NUIG SU Charity Christmas Day 2015

NUI Galway Students’ Union Christmas Day comes early again this…


SHAG Week 2015

SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance) Week 2015 An tSeachtain um Fheasacht agus Threoir ar an…


The NUIG Students’ Union Pink Ladies Night

NUI Galway Students’ Union presents: The Pink Ladies Night 7pm Tuesday 10th November in the College Bar Pop-Up…


NUIG Movember Opening Party 2015

Movember – Coming to a Face Near You Soon! Movember is coming…


NUI Galway SU Big Fat Charity Table Quiz

NUI Galway Students’ Union presents:  THE SU BIG FAT CHARITY TABLE QUIZ in aid of Galway…


Make your idea happen with EXPLORE Innovation funding

Make your idea happen with EXPLORE Innovation funding The NUI Galway Students’ Union/NUI Galway EXPLORE initiative is seeking…


Christmas in November and a Llama as NUI Galway Students’ Union launch year of Fundraising!

Christmas in November and a Llama as NUI Galway Students’ Union launch year of Fundraising!…