On 10th March 2005, the Students’ Union Executive called a referendum (number RFC05/1 (USI)) of its members under Article 18 of its Constitution to be held on 7th April 2005 on the motion below.

Votes in Favour – 879
Votes Against – 145
Total Valid Poll – 1024
Spoiled Votes – 19
Total Poll – 1043

Result – Passed

The full motion text is as follows:

“That Article 6 sub-section i.B. be retained in the Constitution of the Students’ Union of the National University of Ireland, Galway (hereinafter referred to as “the Students’ Union”), thereby extending its affiliation of the Students’ Union to the Union of Students in Ireland (hereinafter referred to as “the USI”); and that the Student Levy at National University of Ireland, Galway be immediately increased by €5 per annum to pay increased affiliation fees to the USI and to cover all costs associated with the participation of the Students’ Union in any events organised by, or relating to, the USI, with the balance being added to the Students’ Union representational budget.”

Further information

For further information on this referendum, please read the RFC05/1 USI Guide