5.8 Pi-Bot Logo 

 This project will expose interested Physics secondary school students to electronics, photonics and robotics in an interactive and fun way.

This will be achieved by building Pi-Bots https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1158090852/pi-bot-the-next-great-tool-in-robotics-learning-pl (Arduino robot kits) at workshops on and off campus, and showcasing them at NUI Galway open days. This type of interactive learning develops problem solving, leadership and technical skills. What a fantastic vehicle for learning!

This project moves away from the traditional passive learning strategies to a modern goal-driven interactive didactic framework that is interdisciplinary in nature. The Pi-Bots come in complete kits and are accompanied by online tutorials, materials and videos to support the students if they encounter difficulties.


Project Team & Links

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Lead student partner: Sean O Gorman

Lead staff partner: Prof. Martin Leahy

                                 Connell Cunningham

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Student partners:

Sean O Gorman

Staff partners:

Prof. Martin Leahy

Connell Cunningham

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Pi-Bots Kickstarter Campaign

Robotics Ireland

Institute of Physics in Ireland





Project Updates

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The Pi Bot project has been delayed as the first bot is still in transit from California. Proactive engagement of potential partners is still ongoing. The most exciting potential collaborators are Entrepreneurship Soc, Computer Soc, and the new MakerSpace in the library. The MakerSpace could form a hub of activity as it has the facilities to host and create pi bots. These include 3-D printers, raspberry pi and electronic components. The project will accelerate once the first bot arrives.

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