The Marchathon is back and you can win prizes for walking this March!
Marchathon is the annual Smarter Travel Workplaces & Campus Walking Challenge that runs in March each year.
It’s a team Challenge, with teams of 3-6 people signing up and aiming to take as many steps as possible during the challenge from the 1st of March to the 28th of March 2021. There’s lots of prizes to be won and it’s a great way to keep active in your 5km radius!
Connect with your colleagues and classmates whether you are in the office or working/studying from home.
Sign up your team here now:
More information is available at:
We will have NUIG competitions during the challenge including Best Team Name for teams signed up before 1st of March
We will also have FREE Live workouts at 5.30pm Monday (Pilates Burn) and 5.30pm Wednesday (Total Body Workout) email for links
Help raise funds for the SU Charities as you walk by sharing our fundraising page:
Follow and and our SU social media for more information.