Under the Universities Act, 1997, one Postgraduate student is to be elected by the Postgraduate students as a member of Údarás na hOllscoile (The University Governing Authority). The period of office of the person elected to fill the current vacancy, shall be February 1, 2021 – January 31, 2022 (provided that (s)he continues to be a postgraduate student for the duration of that period).

Nomination Procedure:

The call for nominations will open at 9:00am on Friday, 15th January 2021 and will remain open until 5:00pm on 22nd January 2021. Late nominations cannot be accepted.

Nominations to be submitted via www.nuigsuelections.com

Each nomination must include the following nomination details:

  • Photograph of nominee
  • Candidate Statement – “Why vote for me” (max 250 words)

Election Procedure:

The election of a Postgraduate student will be conducted by online ballot via the Students’ Union online election portal on Thursday, 28th January, 2021 from 9:00am – 9:00pm.

Election results of the successful candidate will be announced on Friday, 29th January 2021.

This position is open to registered Postgraduate students only.

What is Údarás na hOllscoile?

Údarás na hOllscoile, the Governing Authority, is the ultimate decision-making body in the University. Established under the 1997 Irish Universities Act, Údarás na hOllscoile is a 40-person statutory board charged with over-seeing the strategic direction of the University, the overall management of its resources, and the approval of its policies and procedures.

Board Membership: What is involved?

Members of Governing Authority are collectively responsible for the long-term sustainability of the University. They are required to bring independent judgment to bear on issues such as strategy, performance, resources, key appointments and standards of conduct.

In particular, each member has a fiduciary duty to the University in the first instance (i.e. the duty to act in good faith and in the best interests of the University).

Time commitment: The Governing Authority meets five times per year at the end of the month in February, April, June, October and in mid-December. In addition, members are also members on one sub-Committee of Governing Authority. The sub-Committees meet five times per year, ahead of the Governing Authority meetings. Documentation for meetings is provided a week in advance and requires a couple of days reading and preparation.

Although all members are expected to attend some meetings in person, it will be possible to participate in meetings remotely via online platforms.

For informal queries on Board Membership contact the Secretary for Governance & Academic Affairs:

E: govandacademicaffairs@nuigalway.ie