What is Consent?
Consent is an ongoing, mutual and freely-given agreement to take part in sexual activity. It applies to all relationships, all genders, and all sexualities.
Any sexual act without consent constitutes rape or sexual assault.
Both parties must be sure that they have the full consent of the other(s). If a person is ‘out of it’ on alcohol or another substance, legally they cannot be considered to have given consent. Dancing, dating or going home with someone does not change any of this. Both Men and Women can be raped or sexually assaulted. Rape or sexual assault is usually committed by someone the victim knows and in a familiar location. Each individual always has the right to choose with whom they will or will not have sexual relations, or the extent and nature of the sexual relations.
The most common rape drug in Ireland is alcohol. Don’t leave your drink unattended. Always be careful not to get drunk in the presence of someone you don’t fully trust and do not accept drink off them. Remember personal alarms are available from the Students’ Union Shop.
Watch Video on ConsentActs of rape and sexual assault are never the victim’s fault.
Sometimes the victim may be too embarrassed or humiliated to talk about their experience. This can be a difficult burden to carry alone.
The Galway Rape Crisis Centre offers support to both men and women. They offer support in reporting to the Gardaí if required. The centre offers counselling for people who have experienced rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment. The Rape Crisis Centre also offers counselling to adult victims of Child Sexual Abuse.
If you are the victim of sexual violence or assault you should also contact the Gardaí at Mill Street on 091 538000.
University of Galway Supports
Active*Consent supports young people and those important to them (teachers, parents, college staff and policy makers) in building their knowledge of consent in collaboration with partners in the field.
Speak Out
The aim of this tool is to collect data to assist colleges in their implementation of educational and policy initiatives and to signpost you to the support services that can help you should you wish to seek help.
Consent Workshops
Please contact Active Consent if you are interested in attending a consent workshop.
Sexual Assault
Students that have experienced sexual assault can get help from University of Galway: