Your SU

Welfare & Equality Officer
Chloe Anderson
Vice President / Welfare and Equality Officer

Meet Chloe Anderson

Vice President / Welfare and Equality Officer

Hello folks! My name is Chloe Anderson, and I am delighted to be the 2024/2025 VP for Welfare and Equality. I come from Kilkenny and have been an absolute student activism nerd since my teenage years, through being a Provincial Scout Representative, a Regional Officer for the ISSU, and the chair of my own student council. Since coming to college I have both seen and experienced the absolute highs and lows that university brings, and my hope is to be able to help in any way I can. Talk to yous soon!

Dia daoibh! Is mise Chloe Anderson, agus tá ríméad orm a bheith mar Leas-Uachtarán Leasa agus Comhionannais in 2024/2025. Is as Cill Chainnigh mé agus tá mé i mo dearbh-shaoithín sa ghníomhaíochas mac léinn ó bhí mé sna déaga, trí bheith i m’Ionadaí Cúigeach sna Gasóga, i m’Oifigeach Réigiúnach don ISSU, agus i mo chathaoirleach ar mo chomhairle daltaí féin. Ó tháinig mé go dtí an coláiste, chonaic agus chuaigh mé i ngleic leis an thuas seal thíos seal a fheictear i saol na hollscoile, agus tá súil agam go mbeidh mé in ann cuidiú ar bhealach ar bith. Labhróidh mé libh go luath!

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