temp logo skin cancer

This project aims to determine the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of students at NUI Galway in relation to skin cancer prevention.

This project aims to determine the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of students at NUI Galway in relation to skin cancer prevention and to disseminate the findings widely on campus and nationally.

Over the past three decades, more people have had skin cancer than all other cancers combined. In fact, one person dies of melanoma every hour. A survey will be used to assess: What do students in NUI Galway know about skin cancer? Do they think it is important? What are they doing that puts them at risk? This research study could form the basis of a future skin cancer awareness campaign that specifically targets gaps in knowledge, misconceptions and attitudes that put students in Ireland at risk for skin cancer. This campaign could run in NUI Galway and then continue at a national level.


Project Team & Links

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Lead student partners: Dr. Niamh Byrne
Lead staff partner: Dr. Trevor Markham

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Student partners:

Dr. Niamh Byrne

Eoin Storan

Paula Beatty

Joseph Kelly


Staff partners:

Dr. Trevor Markham

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Irish Cancer Society

Skin Cancer Prevention

Irish Health




Project Updates

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So far we have:
Completed literary review.
Created a questionnaire based on other previously published surveys.
Submitted ethics application.

We are now:
Piloting the questionnaire
Awaiting ethical approval.

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