NUI Galway Freshers’ Events 2014 

Monday 8th September

Teaching Begins All Years

4pm Electric Roadshow in the College Bar 

Tuesday 9th September

4pm DJ Graham Doherty in the College Bar

Wednesday 10th September

11am-5pm Societies Day, Áras na Mac Léinn

8.30pm DJ Soc presents in the College Bar

Thursday 11th September

11am-5pm Clubs Day, Sports Centre

4pm DJs Killian & Jay in the College Bar

Friday 12th September

Postgrad Friday in the College Bar

Monday 15th September

8pm SU Comedy Gig in O’Flaherty Theatre – Foil, Arms & Hog + Support Tickets €5

Tuesday 16th September

11am-4pm SU Freshers’ Fair, Áras na Mac Léinn – Freebies, Giveaways, Competitions & Food! 

4pm DJ Graham Doherty in the College Bar

Wednesday 17th September

11am-4pm Societies Fair, Áras na Mac Léinn

8.30pm DJ Soc presents in the College Bar

Thursday 18th September

11am-5pm Radio Open Day at Flirt FM

4pm DJs Killian & Jay in the College Bar

Friday 19th September

Postgrad Friday in the College Bar

Monday 22nd September

8pm SU Freshers’ Night in College Bar with Crossfire covers band