This project will focus on creating an event on the theme of vision and perception inspired by the 2015 International Year of Light.
It will involve student participation in projects related to how we see the world around us. A flagship activity will be undertaken using Enchroma colour blindness glasses to generate images/video showing how the colour-blind see the world and allow the colour-blind to experience full colour.
This project enables students to come forward with their own interpretations of perception which shows how various people think differently and see the world in a different way. The investigation of colour-blindness and showing people what the colour-blind see is very relevant as 8% of men have colour-blindness in Ireland, and it is a misunderstood and fascinating condition.
Project Team & Links
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Lead student partners: Darren Kelly
Lead staff partner: Dr. Denis O’Hora
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Casey Donaghey
Daniel Mulcahy
Brendan Roche
Julio Sanchis Arderius
Donna Kennedy
Hasan Syed
Staff partners:
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2015 International Year of Light
Project Updates
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– The “Seeing the Light” Project in association with Neurosoc, has acquired 500 euro of additional funding from the Bank Of Ireland Bursary.
– A preliminary date for the event has been selected as Tuesday March 15th, to coincide with the on-campus presence at Brain Awareness Week. Upstairs in the Aula Maxima has been booked for the entire day.
– Following the reconvening of Neurosoc this week, full-scale advertising of the event both inside and outside the University will continue, with the aim of attracting further participants to the project and advertising it to the outside community. The Galway Neuroscience Centre has also agreed to advertise the event to schools attending their event (5 transition year classes throughout the day).
– Several different groups have been formed so far, each exploring a different perspective on the topic of Perception: Colourblindness Computer Simulation, Enchroma Colourblindness Glasses and their effect, Galway Night Sky Explore Group, Racial Boundaries (Human Rights link) , and Poetry (creative writing).
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