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This project aims to establish a Please Talk hub at NUI Galway to increase mental health awareness on campus, promote positive mental health, alert students and staff to the signs and symptoms of mental health difficulties, and encourage individuals to reach out for help when needed.

This will be achieved via various events and initiatives, and by encouraging student/staff clubs and societies to appoint Please Talk ambassadors on their committees. Please Talk is a national mental health campaign to connect third level students to support services within their college and to empower students to talk openly about their mental health. With the involvement of the Students’ Union and NUI Galway staff, this pilot project plans to reach out to both students and staff to spark a wider conversation about mental health on campus. Individuals will be encouraged to talk before issues reach a critical point, to check in with each other, to keep mental health on the agenda, and in conjunction with signposting appropriate services, will normalise conversation on this subject. It will also establish recognition of the importance of mental health to all members of the NUI Galway community.

Launch event with Fergal D’Arcy from iRadio on Thursday, 5 March at 10:30 in the Upper Aula, the Quad, NUI Galway. All very welcome to attend.

Project Team & Links

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Lead student partner: Chloe Lappin
Lead staff partner: Fiona Kennedy

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Student partners:
Chloe Lappin
Mark Laherty
Aoife Ni Shuilleabhain
Megan Reilly
2nd year Commerce Work Life Skills students


Staff partners:
Fiona Kennedy

Other partners:
Caoimhe Byrne – Please Talk Organisation

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Please Talk NUI Galway website
Please Talk NUI Galway – support services
Please Talk NUI Galway on Facebook
Please Talk NUI Galway on Twitter
Please Talk Organisation



Project Updates

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Details to follow

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