Your SU
Ethnic Minorities Officer

Raisul Sourav
Ethnic Minorities Officer
Meet Raisul Sourav
Ethnic Minorities Officer
The Ethnic Minorities Officer represents students of ethnic minority on campus. They represent union members on various committees, provide support to students of ethnic minority and liaise with relevant societies. They organise relevant events and campaigns to highlight and address cultural diversity and to promote the cultural integration of students across campus.
Greetings, my fellow enthusiastic colleagues of the University of Galway! My name is RaisuL Sourav (MD RAISUL ISLAM SOURAV), and I am your Ethnic Minorities Officer for the Year of 2024-25. As a dedicated PhD student in law and a passionate human rights activist, I have been a vocal advocate for students’ rights. I’m really thrilled to represent the Ethnic Minority students and promote, defend and vindicate the rights of them at all levels of the Irish society in 2024-25 term. Moreover, I want to support Ethnic Minority Students as much as possible including mental wellbeing, enhanced scholarship, suitable accommodation, internship, placement etc. Let your voice be heard by the concerned stakeholders!
Dia daoibh, a chomhghleacaithe bríomhara d’Ollscoil na Gaillimhe! Tugtar RaisuL Sourav (MD RAISUL ISLAM SOURAV) orm, agus is mise bhur nOifigeach Mionlach Eitneach don bhliain 2024-25. Mar mhac léinn PhD sa dlí agus gníomhaí paiseanta do chearta an duine, thacaigh mé go láidir le cearta na mac léinn. Is cúis áthais dom bheith i m’ionadaí ar son an mac léinn ó Mhionlaigh Eitneacha, agus a gcuid ceart a chur chun cinn, a chosaint agus a dhaingniú ar gach leibhéal de shochaí na hÉireann sa téarma 2024-25. Thairis sin, is mian liom tacú le Mic Léinn ó Mhionlaigh Eitneacha an oiread is féidir liom lena n-áirítear dea-mheabharshláinte, scoláireacht fheabhsaithe, cóiríocht fheiliúnach, intéirneacht, socrúcháin srl. Éistear le bhur nglór i measc na bpáirtithe leasmhara lena mbaineann!
Contact Details
- Email:
- Office: 091 493 570
- Mobile: 087 478 9099 / WhatsApp: +8801912298126