Your SU
Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law
Vytaute Bujaviciute
Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law
Meet Vytaute Bujaviciute
Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law
Hello, my name is Vytaute Bujaviciute. I am currently studying Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice. I am very excited for this opportunity to work as Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law. I want to ensure that student voices get heard and ensure the university experience is a good experience to whoever might be coming into university. I am currently involved in different societies on and off campus and am always happy to chat!
If you have any problems, concerns or just feel like you need someone to chat with do not hesitate to contact me.
Each of the 4 College Convenors act as chairperson for their College Class Representatives Council. They represent their Colleges Class Reps and students on the Executive Committee. They work with the SU Council Chairperson to make sure every class has a Class Representative.
Dia duit, is mise Vytaute Bujaviciute. Táim ag gabháil do chúrsa sa Dlí, Coireolaíocht agus Ceartas Coiriúil faoi láthair. Is mór an onóir dom glacadh leis an bpost seo mar Thionólaí Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí agus an Dlí. Is mian liom a chinntiú go bhfaigheann mic léinn cead cainte agus go bhfaigheann gach duine blaiseadh ceart de shaol na hollscoile, is cuma cé hé nó hí. Tá baint agam faoi láthair le cumainn éagsúla ar an gcampas agus lasmuigh den champas, agus bím sásta comhrá a dhéanamh i gcónaí!
Má tá fadhb agat, má tá tú ag déanamh imní faoi rud ar bith nó más mian leat comhrá a bheith agat le duine fiú amháin, ná bíodh aon leisce ort teagmháil a dhéanamh liom.
Tá Tionólaí Coláiste ag na 4 Choláiste agus bíonn siad ina gcathaoirligh ar Chomhairle Ionadaithe Ranga a gColáiste. Déanann siad ionadaíocht ar Ionadaithe Ranga agus ar mhic léinn a gColáiste ar an gCoiste Feidhmiúcháin. Oibríonn siad le Cathaoirleach Chomhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn lena chinntiú go bhfuil Ionadaí Ranga ag gach rang.
Contact Details
- Email:
- Office: 091 493 570
- Mobile: 089 424 9774