Christmas Holidays 2020
Christmas Holiday Arrangements 2020 NUI Galway semester 1 teaching ends on Fri 18th Dec 2020. Exams take place Mon…
SU Office Reopening!
SU Office Reopening! Great news! The SU Office will finally be open: 4pm-8pm Mon 14th, Tues 15th, Weds 16th, Thurs…
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Seachtain na Gaeilge / Irish Language Week Dé Luain 14 Nollaig / Mon 14th Dec 19:00 Oíche fhéin-chúraim /…
SU Weekly Email 12 – 10th December 2020
Welcome to your weekly email from your Students’ Union / Fáilte chuig do r-phost seachtainiúil ó Chomhaltas na Mac…
Q&A Session with NUIG President
Q&A Session with the NUI Galway President hosted by the Students’ Union Sign up to ask a question here…
SU Weekly Email 11 – 3rd December 2020
Welcome to your weekly email from your Students’ Union / Fáilte chuig do r-phost seachtainiúil ó Chomhaltas na Mac…
SU Secret Santa
SU Secret Santa Want presents? Sure don’t we all! Sign up to take part in our SU Secret…
RAK Challenge
#RAKChallenge Our second Charity Challenge is the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Challenge which takes place from 1st-31st of…
SU Weekly Email 10 – 26th Nov 2020
Welcome to your weekly email from your Students’ Union / Fáilte chuig do r-phost seachtainiúil ó Chomhaltas na Mac…
SHAG Week 2020
Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance (SHAG) Week 2020 An tSeachtain um Fheasacht agus Threoir ar an tSláinte Ghnéis 2020 Tuesday…