SU Part Time Officer Elections & Referendum Result
SU Part Time Officer Elections & Referendum Result I , Ben Archibald, returning officer for the part time…
Thursday 13th March 2014
SU Part Time Officers Elections. Bring your college ID to vote in the polling stations on Campus for your Part…
Monday 10th March 2014
5pm deadline for final submissions by finalists in NUI Galway Students’ Union Enterprise Awards
NUI Galway Students’ Union Election Results 2014
NUI Galway Students’ Union Election Results 2014 Congratulations to the newly elected NUI Galway Students’ Union Sabbatical officers who…
Thursday 6th March 2014
SU Full Time Officer Election Day. Please bring your College ID to vote in the polling stations on Campus for…
Tuesday 4th March 2014
Science and Technology Careers Fair 1pm-4pm Bailey Allen Hall. For more info contact
Saturday 1st March 2014
1ú Márta-17ú Márta Seachtain na Gaeilge
Thursday 27th February 2014
SU Part Time Officer Elections. Nominations open at 10am for part time officer positions on SU for 2014/15. Nomination forms…
Notice of Referenda 2014
Referenda 2014 On Thursday 6th March 2014 you will be asked to vote in two separate referenda and…
Thursday 20th February 2014
SU Full Time Officer Elections Nominations open at 10am for 2014/15 paid positions of SU President, SU Vice-President/Education Officer, SU…