Weekly Email

SU Weekly Email 4 – 29th September 2021

Welcome to your weekly email from your Students’ Union / Fáilte chuig do r-phost seachtainiúil ó Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn –…

Weekly Email

SU Weekly Email 3 – 16th September 2021

Welcome to your weekly email from your Students’ Union / Fáilte chuig do r-phost seachtainiúil ó Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn –…


World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day | An Lá Domhanda um Fhéinmharú a Chosc Friday 10th of September 2021 is World Suicide…


SU Card

[vc_row background_style=”parallax” columns_height=”columns_auto_height” bg_type=”image” css=”.vc_custom_1658932406312{background-image: url(https://su.nuigalway.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/su-card-002.jpg?id=6332) !important;}”][vc_column][ultimate_spacer height=”70″ height_on_tabs=”50″ height_on_tabs_portrait=”50″ height_on_mob_landscape=”30″ height_on_mob=”30″][vc_column_text]…

Weekly Email

SU Weekly Email 1 – 2nd September 2021

Welcome to your weekly email from your Students’ Union / Fáilte chuig do r-phost seachtainiúil ó Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn…


SU Pop Up

SU Pop Up | Pop Up CMLOÉG  Call over to us in the Aula Maxima, The Quadrangle, OÉ Gaillimh to…


NUI Galway Students’ Union Urges Caution Booking Student Accommodation

NUI Galway Students’ Union Urges Caution Booking Student Accommodation With Leaving Certificate results being issued this week thousands of…


Get Involved!

Ways to get involved with your SU this year Bealaí le páirt a ghlacadh i do Chomhaltas i mbliana…


Exam Results

Exam Results Good luck to everyone getting exam results! Undergrad Results released 8th -13th July International Student Results (course…


Antrim Native Takes Up Role as Students’ Union President

Antrim Native Takes Up Role as Students’ Union President Róisín Nic Lochlainn has taken up the role of President…