Toghcháin CML 2025 | SU Elections 2025

Results Thursday 13th March 2025

Uachtarán | President

ELECTION RESULT Maisie Hall deemed elected on 1st count

Total Poll 4,640

Quota 2,321

1st Count

Burke, Elijah 617

Hall, Maisie 3,464

McGreevy, Sonny 543

Re-Open Nominations 16

Leas Uachtarán Oifigeach Oideachais | Vice President Education Officer

ELECTION RESULT Seán De Búrca deemed elected on 1st count

Total Poll 1,754

Quota 878

1st Count

De Búrca, Seán 1,641

Re-Open Nominations 113

Leas Uachtarán / Oifigeach Leasa agus Comhionannais | Vice President / Welfare and Equality Officer

ELECTION RESULT Paddy Murnane deemed elected on 2nd count

Total Poll 2,161

Quota 1,081

1st Count

Bridges, Avery 688

Concannon, Rachel 553

Murnane, Paddy 876

Re-Open Nominations 44

2nd Count

Bridges, Avery 909

Murnane, Paddy 1,049

Non Transferable 203

Leas Uachtarán Don Ghaeilge | Vice President for the Irish Language

Result: Rachel Áine Ní Mharascáil Deemed Elected on 2nd Count

Total Poll 1,741

Quota 871

1st Count

Dolan, David 625

Ní Mharascáil, Rachel Áine 815

Ó Céilleachair, Ruán 275

Re-open Nominations 26

2nd Count

Dolan, David 692

Ní Mharascáil, Rachel Áine 958

Non-Transferable 91

Convenor of the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies

Result: Sonya Naumova Deemed Elected on 2nd Count

Total Poll 800

Quota 401

1st Count

McCourt, Cathal 376

Naumova, Sonya 398

Re-open Nominations 26

2nd Count

McCourt, Cathal 381

Naumova, Sonya 402

Non-Transferable 17

Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy and Law

Result: Eimear McGarry Deemed Elected on 1st Count

Total Poll 275

Quota 138

1st Count

McGarry, Eimear 235

Reopen Nominations 40

Postgraduate Research Officer

Result: Buddila Wijeyesekera Deemed Elected on 1st Count

Total Poll 159

Quota 80

1st Count

Wijeyesekera, Buddila 120

Reopen Nominations 39

Environmental and Sustainability Officer

Result: Molly Hickey Deemed Elected on 1st Count

Total Poll 1,457

Quota 729

1st Count

Hickey, Molly 1,276

Reopen Nominations 181

Ethnic Minorities Officer

Result: RaisuL Sourav Deemed Elected on 1st Count

Total Poll 1,298

Quota 650

Sourav, RaisuL 1,097

Re-Open Nominations 201

International Students Officer

Result: Dona Allavena Deemed Elected on 1st Count

Total Poll 1,564

Quota 783

1st Count

Allavena, Dona 1,438

Reopen Nominations 126

Disability Rights Officer

Result: Izzy Tiernan Deemed Elected on 1st Count

Total Poll 1,392

Quota 697

1st Count

Tiernan, Izzy 1,139

Reopen Nominations 253

Clubs Captain

Result: Caoimhe Gilligan Deemed Elected on 1st Count

Total Poll 21

Quota 11

1st Count

Gilligan, Caoimhe 21

Re-open nominations 0