Toghcháin CML 2025 | SU Elections 2025
Results Thursday 13th March 2025
Uachtarán | President
ELECTION RESULT Maisie Hall deemed elected on 1st count
Electorate 20,726
Total Poll 4,640
Quota 2,321
1st Count
Burke, Elijah 617
Hall, Maisie 3,464
McGreevy, Sonny 543
Re-Open Nominations 16
Leas Uachtarán Oifigeach Oideachais | Vice President Education Officer
ELECTION RESULT Seán De Búrca deemed elected on 1st count
Electorate 20,726
Total Poll 1,754
Quota 878
1st Count
De Búrca, Seán 1,641
Re-Open Nominations 113
Leas Uachtarán / Oifigeach Leasa agus Comhionannais | Vice President / Welfare and Equality Officer
ELECTION RESULT Paddy Marnane deemed elected on 2nd count
Electorate 20,726
Total Poll 2,161
Quota 1,081
1st Count
Bridges, Avery 688
Concannon, Rachel 553
Marnane, Paddy 876
Re-Open Nominations 44
2nd Count
Bridges, Avery 909
Marnane, Paddy 1,049
Non Transferable 203
Leas Uachtarán Don Ghaeilge | Vice President for the Irish Language
Result: Rachel Áine Ní Mharascáil Deemed Elected on 2nd Count
Electorate 20,726
Total Poll 1,741
Quota 871
1st Count
Dolan, David 625
Ní Mharascáil, Rachel Áine 815
Ó Céilleachair, Ruán 275
Re-open Nominations 26
2nd Count
Dolan, David 692
Ní Mharascáil, Rachel Áine 958
Non-Transferable 91
Convenor of the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies
Result: Sonya Naumova Deemed Elected on 2nd Count
Electorate 7,711
Total Poll 800
Quota 401
1st Count
McCourt, Cathal 376
Naumova, Sonya 398
Re-open Nominations 26
2nd Count
McCourt, Cathal 381
Naumova, Sonya 402
Non-Transferable 17
Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy and Law
Result: Eimear McGarry Deemed Elected on 1st Count
Electorate 3,868
Total Poll 275
Quota 138
1st Count
McGarry, Eimear 235
Reopen Nominations 40
Non-Transferable 275
Postgraduate Research Officer
Result: Buddila Wijeyesekera Deemed Elected on 1st Count
Electorate 5,551
Total Poll 159
Quota 80
1st Count
Wijeyesekera, Buddila 120
Reopen Nominations 39
Non-Transferable 159
Environmental and Sustainability Officer
Result: Molly Hickey Deemed Elected on 1st Count
Electorate 20,726
Total Poll 1,457
Quota 729
1st Count
Hickey, Molly 1,276
Reopen Nominations 181
Ethnic Minorities Officer
Result: RaisuL Sourav Deemed Elected on 1st Count
Electorate 20,726
Total Poll 1,298
Quota 650
Sourav, RaisuL 1,097
Re-Open Nominations 201
International Students Officer
Result: Dona Allavena Deemed Elected on 1st Count
Electorate 20,726
Total Poll 1,564
Quota 783
1st Count
Allavena, Dona 1,438
Reopen Nominations 126
Disability Rights Officer
Result: Izzy Tiernan Deemed Elected on 1st Count
Electorate 20,726
Total Poll 1,392
Quota 697
1st Count
Tiernan, Izzy 1,139
Reopen Nominations 253
Clubs Captain
Result: Caoimhe Gilligan Deemed Elected on 1st Count
Electorate 38
Total Poll 21
Quota 11
1st Count
Gilligan, Caoimhe 21
Re-open nominations 0